Browse our library policies below.

See how long you can keep your borrowed items, information about course reserves, and the fines and fees policy.
Accessibility Policy
The Library ensures that all electronic resources, databases, video and audio files, software, hardware, and systems are accessible in accordance with relevant laws, and in the spirit of Georgetown’s commitment to fostering an inclusive academic and work environment.
Code of Conduct
Everyone is welcomed at the GU-Q Library. To make the Library a comfortable space for all, library visitors and patrons are asked to abide by the library rules and regulations as defined in the library Code of Conduct.
Collections Development
Library collections are designed to fully meet the information resources needs of GU-Q students, faculty and staff and to ensure the highest quality teaching and research. The Library purchases resources directly related to the curriculum and research needs. Our collections include:
- More than 90,000 print books in Qatar plus 1.6 million e-books and more than 3 millions books on the DC campus
- More than 180,000 academic journals in electronic format and some print titles of academic and general interest
We do not accept donations to the Library as of this time. Please check with theĀ Qatar National Library.